Xylitol-based Xlear (pronounced “clear”) is a patented, non-addictive nasal wash designed to help relieve irritation caused by pollutants, allergens and infections of the nasal passages. It is the ONLY nasal wash that combines the unique properties of the natural substance, XYLITOL, and the health-promoting practice of a saline nasal spray to help wash, hydrate and moisturize the nasal passages. Xylitol is among bacteria’s natural enemies. When certain harmful bacteria enter the body, they attach to the membranes of the nose and throat. Bacteria and germs are all around us. They live on the surfaces that we touch and in the air that we breathe. With germs and bacteria all around us, how do we prevent them from entering our bodies?
The Center for Disease Control has stated that, “Hand washing is the most effective way of reducing communicable disease.” We wash our hands to clean them and we are also cautioned to keep our hands away from our mouth and nose, but more than ninety percent of infection causing bacteria enter the body through the nose and thrive in the nasal passages. How do we keep our nasal passages clean and free of harmful germs? Xylitol is one of bacteria’s natural enemies. When certain harmful bacteria enter the body, they attach to the membranes of the nose and throat. Xlear Nasal Wash merely flushes harmful bacteria away.
Ingredients: Contains xylitol, purified water, saline and grapefruit seed extract.
Suggestions for Use:
With head in an upright position, seal off the nasal passage by pressing your finger against one side of your nose. Close your mouth and give the bottle a quick, firm squeeze, inhaling deeply to pull the mist into the sinus cavities. Do this once for each nostril. For infants or young children, have the child lie down and place two drops of Xlear Nasal Wash in each nostril.
For the first 2 to 4 weeks of Xlear Nasal Wash usage, adults and children should administer it 3 to 4 times a day. After the 1st month, it should be used twice a day as a preventative measure. For infants and small children who are in day care or exposed to infectious bacteria, Xlear Nasal Wash should be administered 3 to 4 times a day.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.
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